During the progression of leukemia, white blood cells (neoplastic leukocytes) found in bone marrow may begin to filter into the layers of the skin, resulting in lesions. “It looks likered-brown to purple firm bumps or nodulesand represents the leukemia cells depositing in the skin,” Forrest...
000 skin disorders known to dermatology. Changes in color or texture can result from inflammation, infection, or allergic reactions anywhere on the body. Some skin conditions can be minor, temporary, and easily treated -- while others can be very serious, ...
What Causes Goosebumps? If you've watched a horror film, you probably know the sensation: small bumps that pop up on yourskinwhen the movie action turns scary. They're called goosebumps, and they're usually not a big deal. But sometimes they're caused by a medical condition that needs t...
White spots on the skin appear lighter than your normal skin color. Most of the time we think sun exposure causes extra melaninproduction and brown spots or a tan to form on the skin. However, exposure to the sun can also cause the skin to stop producing melanin, which causes white spots...
Sebaceous cysts are benign, closed sacs beneath the skin containing oily or cheesy material. They may arise from hair follicles.
Tiny bumps on the skin Pink or red patches Severe irritation in some cases Burning sensation The most commonly affected areas in the body are the armpits, chest, stomach, face, neck, and at the back. It can also be seen beneath the breasts, scrotum, and groin, where there are skin fold...
the anus is not as well-protected as the skin outside the anus. Our external tissue has layers of dead cells that serve as a protective barrier against infection. The tissue inside the anus doesn't have this natural protection, which leaves it vulnerable to tearing and the spread of ...
When returning to a warm environment from the cold, these blood vessels expand again, but can get inflamed (called vasculitis) if this happens too quickly. This causes itch and burning in the affected area. Small reddish lumps can appear on the skin, which may become painful or blistered. ...
Hi. I have noticed small bumps on my child`s face, neck and arms. My mother-in-law told me he has molluscum. I think he is too young for that. Molluscum or what else? Is this disease common in children? Remove Ads Guestover a year ago ...
Skin growths are bumps on the face, neck, and body. They are usually benign (non-cancerous) and often begin as small flat or rough bumps. At first, these growths might be mistaken for clogged pores or breakouts, but they will never come to a head and cannot be extracted since there...