Dr. Michele J. Farber helps us understand 5 possible explanations for tiny bumps on your face, how to treat each one and when to see a doctor.
Hi. I have noticed small bumps on my child`s face, neck and arms. My mother-in-law told me he has molluscum. I think he is too young for that. Molluscum or what else? Is this disease common in children? Remove Ads Guestover a year ago ...
You may see yournewborn babywith small pimples on their face, usually on their cheeks, nose, eyelids, chin, and/or forehead. This may be baby acne, which is also referred to as neonatal acne. It’s common in newborns and appears in 3 out of 10 babies. When Does Baby Acne Start and...
Boils are pus-filled bumps on your skin and develop when a hair follicle and the tissue around it become infected. Scratches, small nicks in the skin, popping a pimple, or even bug bites create openings for bacteria to enter a follicle resulting in a boil infection. Boilsare pus-filled bu...
Razor Bumps This eruption occurs in areas of the skin in which hairs have been recently cut or extracted. This is commonly present in the beard area of individuals with very tightly coiled hair. When the hair is cut off or plucked out below the level of the follicular pore, it tends to...
Do you know what causes your breakouts? How to prevent them? Our moisturizing products might be the answer for your problem. Please share any other tips you may have with us in the comment section below. If you would like to learn more on face mapping and the different parts of the face...
Causes of blisters on lips Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) and can spread to the face or genitals through close contact, such as kissing or oral sex. Other activities such as sharing eating utensils, toothbrushes, or razors might also facilitate the spread of HSV. ...
Milia are small whitebumpsthat can appear on your skin. They happen when dead skin cells that are supposed to fall off instead get trapped under the surface of your skin. Milia are harmless but can be prevented by practicing good skin care routines like washing twice daily and exfoliating. ...
Periorificial dermatitis is a skin condition that causes clusters of small, itchy and sometimes sore red bumps on the face. You may also have developed small, red, pus-filled bumps and mild peeling of the skin around the mouth. The condition can also affect the skin around the nose, cheek...
The causes of and treatments for keratosis pilaris, plus, the best diet, lotions, and skincare to get rid of "chicken skin" on arms and face, including formulas with urea.