The peak-end rule is a cognitive bias that causes us, when looking back on an experience, to focus on two things: the most intense part of it and the end. I’m not saying that these things aren’t important. But the peak-end rule can—and has been shown experimentally to—cause us...
Yellow poop:If your poop is yellow, greasy and stinky, it probably means that you’ve been eating too much fat. But sometimes it can be a sign of malabsorption, which means that your body isn’t able to pull nutrients from food during digestion. Malabsorption usually happens due to sicknes...
Poinar, HendrikPoinar, Debi
We got our clubs and basket of balls, and Husband started giving me simple lessons on stance and swing. “See how my hands are here?” he explained, holding the driver, as I stepped in closer to get a better look. “This is how you want to hold it, and then you bring it back,...
balls ingested so no vet is ever going to recommend it, if you know what I mean. It could be in your case, that the pieces of cotton ball were small enough and mixed well enough with the canned food to move along the intestinal tract and wrap around the sharp part. This may work ...
The most extreme is a biopsy of the small intestine to see how the lining has been affected. Since that’s a surgical procedure, more often, it is blood testing used to check for gluten antibodies and/or a “poop test” where the same is done with your fecal matter. ...
Directions: Mix 50/50 and place in a shallow dish or station in the path used by rodents (can be used for inside control). After feeding the mouse will seek water outside which causes the cement powder to react, quickly killing, page no longer online...
Obviouslyno one likes cancerand my friends are no exception, their respective points though–that death is an inevitable part of life and that we should try toheal social issues with social actionrather than medical issues with social action–challenge the accepted social norm that causes even bur...
for compostable poop bags and extendable leashes and school playgrounds that are vacant and so become a heaven and a haven for dogs and their slimy tennis balls and their humans with those plastic ball-thrower things that are another invention for which to give thanks. Thank you for Kona and...
Why don’t you just go home and tell everyone you found the wyrm and slew the balls off it, and I’ll tell everyone around here that I saw you riding past with a great big wyrm head on your pommel, and no one will be any the wiser.” “But I slew nothing! The people here ...