Fibers add roughage to your body, makes your stool soft and easy to pass. Constipation leads to crampy pain in the stomach that is aggravated after eating because the intestines are already loaded with food. More food cannot enter into the intestines from the stomach, which then leads to stom...
Awareness of your stool’s color, consistency, and shape is an important aspect of maintaining digestive health. While minor changes in stool color are often harmless and related to diet, persistent or significant changes can signal more serious health issues. Remember, your poop is a key indicat...
Gray or Clay-ColoredLight-colored or grayish stools may be related to a liver orgallbladder problem. Other common causes for stools that appear pale, gray, or clay-colored include viral hepatitis,gallstones, or alcoholic hepatitis. [8] Poop can come in various colors.Everyday Health Is the ...
A person should notify their doctor when there is a persistent change in the color of their stool. Persistent black, tarry stools or red, bloody stools signify intestinal bleeding and need to be evaluated by a healthcare professional promptly. Individuals should either notify their primary care do...
Persistent diarrhea Abdominal pain Rectal bleeding/bloody stools Weight loss Fatigue Symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) include: Heartburn Acid and undigested food back up into the throat or mouth (regurgitation) Stomach pain Chest pain Difficulty swallowing Feeling as if food is stuck...
pylori complications can include persistent pain or intermittent discomfort in the stomach, lack of appetite, nausea or vomiting, bloating, weight loss, and dark-colored stools. Treating it People should talk to a doctor if they suspect an H. pylori infection. If the doctor diagnoses an ...
Persistent fever Significant abdominal pain Vomiting without diarrhea (a stomach virus nearly always has both) Tenderness when you touch your child's tummy Fever over 100.4 F in an infant under 3 months Fever over 104 F in a child of any age ...
Medium hardness– not so soft as to be liquid, but not so hard that it’s difficult to pass and causes Fido pain. Not too sticky, leaving no remnants of poop on the ground after you’ve picked it up and bagged it. Take a look next time your canine does their business, and see if...
An infection, trouble digesting certain foods, or too much fruit juice or milk are among the causes. If your child gets it, keep them at home and hydrated. If they're on solids, avoid high-fiber and greasy foods. Call the doctor if they aren't better in 24 hours, is under 6 months...
Blood in stool (including not only red streaks of blood but also digested blood, which will make your dog’s stools appear black rather than brown) Prolonged lack of appetite Unusual drooling Anything else that seems unusual or causes you concern ...