Arc blasts can cause damage to your hearing or brain functions. The blast can also cause loose equipment, tools, machinery and debris to go flying which can cause further damage or injury. What causes arc faults? One of the major causes of arc flash is voltage transients (spikes), ...
You might think that these are isolated or infrequent events, but that's not the case. Industry sources estimate that in the U.S., 5 to 10 arc flash accidents occur each day. The U.S. Bureau of Labor reported that in one recent year, 1 thousand electrical workers suffered shocks and ...
The presence of the OBDII allows telematics devices to silently process information such as engine revolutions, vehicle speed, fault codes, fuel usage and more. The telematics device can then use this information to determine trip start and finish, over revving, speeding, excessive idling, fuel con...
The high voltage also breaks down the thin oxide coatings on MOS and other coated devices. This causes failure of the product. Sometimes the component is not completely destroyed which can be even more problematic as the failure will occur later when the product is being used. General rule: ...
while bilateral alterations would point to AE. However, on very rare occasions also high-grade gliomas can present with atypical imaging features and can be mistaken for LE. In a recent paper on the topic [147], the authors report that this misdiagnosis can occur in ~ 2% of suspected ...
3. Over-Voltage & Surges Over-Voltage & Surgesare short duration increases above 110% of the rated voltage of the mains supply, usually for 1 or more cycles. These are caused by heavy equipment being turned off or high voltage output from the generating source. When surges occur equipment ...
causes some batteries to be overcharged while others are not fully charged. When discharging, some batteries with higher capacity are not fully discharged, while those with lower capacity are overdischarged. This vicious cycle results in battery damage leading to leakage or low (zero) voltage....
“Picking the wrong technology may lead to a shorter battery life, which ends up costing much more in the long run. As the battery voltage goes down, it causes strain on other components. The engine might turn over, but some systems do not come on if the voltage gets too low and this...
A PDN’s voltage rail is a single net but a very large one, having many components connected to it, and is spread over almost the entire PCB.PDN is susceptible to electrical noise generated by the components and the various signal, power, and ground nets on the PCB.Furthermore, the fast...
An over-voltage condition might occur in the power supply due faults inside the supply, or from external causes such as those in the distribution lines. The magnitude and duration of the over-voltage are some of the major considerations when designing an effective protection. The protection involv...