There is no cure for IBS. The goal of treatment is to decrease your symptoms, such as abdominal pain or muscle spasms. You may need medicine to help you have a bowel movement, soften your bowel movement, or treat diarrhea. You may also need medicine to treat abnormal growth of bacteria,...
Examples include surgery to treat appendicitis or a blockage in your bowels.What can I do to manage acute abdominal pain?Apply heat on your abdomen for 20 to 30 minutes every 2 hours for as many days as directed. Heat helps decrease pain and muscle spasms. Keep track of your abdominal ...
A sigmoidoscopy cancause mild discomfort. You may feel a strong urge to have a bowel movement when the tube is inserted. You may also have brief muscle spasms or lower belly pain during the test. Taking deep breaths while the tube is being inserted may help decrease any pain. Do you nee...
Radiation therapy: One of the side effects of radiation to the pelvis is urinary frequency. The radiation can irritate the bladder and urinary tract, causingbladder spasmsand an urgent need to go to the bathroom.9 Urinary tract infection (UTI): If you have a urinary tract infection, it can ...
Vaginismusis involuntary contractions or spasms of the muscles surrounding the vagina. These muscle contractions make the vagina very narrow and can make medical exams and sexual activity painful or impossible.14 There is no single cause, but several possible causes include:14 ...
Muscle spasms Sweating (e.g., night sweats) Infants and children may show other signs and symptoms of a fever, such as:10 A lack of appetite Earache (e.g., a child may pull at their ears) Fussiness, high-pitching crying, and whimpering ...
Thehuman papillomavirus vaccine (HPV)protects against a group of viruses that cause nearly all cases of cervical cancer and most cancers of the vulva, penis, anus, rectum, and throat. It’s recommended for children aged 11 to 12 in two doses, 6 to 12 months apart. Teens older than 15 ...
What Causes a Swollen Colon? What is a Colon Lesion? What are the Different Types of Colon Polyps? What is a Colon Abscess? What are Colon Spasms? Discussion Comments Byanon158318— On Mar 06, 2011 Your site is super helpful, thank you! I'm working on a project and this is the exac...
Potassium is a mineral that helps maintain the water and acid balance in blood and tissue cells, assists in muscle building, and transmits electrical signals between cells and nerves. Symptoms of hypokalemia, or potassium deficiency, include dry skin, muscle weakness, fatigue, and slow reflexes....
During a leg cramp, stretch or massage the muscle that has the cramp. Heat may help decrease pain and muscle spasms. Apply heat on your muscle for 20 to 30 minutes every 2 hours for as many days as directed. Back pain may occur as your baby grows. Do not stand for long periods ...