Unilateral schizencephaly usuallycauses paralysison one side of the body and low muscle tone but is accompanied by average or near-average intelligence. Bilateral schizencephaly can be more severe, especially if it affects large areas of the brain. This can lead to severe disabilities and paralysi...
For instance, when babies are born, they already possess a well-developed sense of smell, their auditory acuity is reasonably good, but their vision is rather poor. This corresponds to the degree of maturation of the corresponding brain areas (i.e., the olfactory cortex develops before visual...
Zika virus sparks worries about thousands of babies born with small heads; impact may range from normal health to crippling disability
In addition to microcephaly, ZIKV causes miscarriage. ZIKV persists in whole blood for close to 2 months. Dengue viral infections enhance ZIKV infections. Anti-ZIKV antibodies in domestic animals suggest that ZIKV can infect domestic animals. Background Zika virus (ZIKV) is a positive...
had the virus in their brain or in the mother’s placenta. This means a large number of the babies who died had no Zika virus in their brain. Hard to blame Zika then, which has been around since before 1948 and has never been known to cause birth defects and/or death. In fact, Zi...
The virus, which is mainly spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, causes no or very mild symptoms in most people who catch it. But last October, northeastern Brazil reported an abrupt rise in the number of babies born with an abnormally small head, a condition known as microcephaly. The ...