Oral sex and STDs While it’s true the chances of getting an STD through oral sex are a bit lower than with genital sex, the risk is still there. Some common STDs that can be passed orally are: Herpes.Herpescan spread through contact between an infected area and a cut or break in th...
I do have a question I have had swelling in the feet and hands from birth and I have been to a lot of doctors even to UVA and no one can tell me a reason of what and why it is going on? The most I have been told is I could have milroys des. I have tried lying down and...
in case your leg swelling isn’t noticeable during the visit. You can also mark the top of the swelling with a pen, noting the date and time. This lets you see how fast the swelling is increasing up your leg.
Chronic Progressive Lymphedema, or CPL, is a serious and difficult disease that occurs in draft horses with heavily feathered limbs. CPL causes the lower legs to become swollen from the accumulation of lymph fluid, which builds up and causes more severe swelling over time. How do I get rid o...
It may look swollen and red. You have a wound on your leg that does not heal or is infected.When should I call my doctor?You have pain in your leg that does not go away or gets worse. You have large bruising on your legs. You have a rash on your leg. Your symptoms keep you ...
Signs of the late ambulatory stage appear during the late childhood or adolescence. As the disease progresses, muscle weakness and wasting (atrophy) start to affect the lower legs, forearms, neck, and trunk. Difficulty walking becomes more pronounced at this stage and is often accompanied byfatig...
Cellulitis, a common bacterial infection of the skin, can affect any portion of the body but commonly manifests in one of the lower legs and results in redness and swelling. The affected area will be swollen and painful and the infection is able to spread rapidly to other parts of the bod...
What are the signs and symptoms of a tick bite?Signs and symptoms may develop right away, or weeks or even months after a bite:Redness, pain, itching, and swelling Blisters Tick paralysis, a temporary condition that causes problems with leg movement Fever, rash, body aches, or breathing ...
These reddish-purple, flat topped bumps are a rash called lichen planus. It usually appears on the wrists or ankles but may be in the mouth or on the lower back, neck, legs, and genitals. It can itch like crazy. It’s unclear what causes it but to be safe, get liver tests. It ...
They can cause blisters, burning sensation, rash, and swelling; and transmit illnesses such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Tick bites are also known to occasionally cause victim to have difficulty in breathing. First Aid Treatment: Remove the tick from the skin using tweezers ...