Hair loss, also called alopecia, can startat almost any age as you enter adulthood. You can start losing your hair as early as your late teens and early 20s. But you might have a full head of hair with almost no thinning or balding until well into your 50s and 60s. There's a lot ...
There are countless non-profits and charities creating wigs to help specific causes around the world. ThoughHong Kong doesn’t have dedicated wig-creating organisations(and Hong Kong’s CancerLink has stopped accepting hair donations), you can easily mail it overseas. Certain places don’t accept ...
While your body goes through hormonal changes every day (hello, mood swings!), big dips like those that occur during hypothyroidism can signal danger, as a lack of thyroid hormone production causes the body’s functions to slow down. Not to mention, an underactive or overactive thyroid (calle...
While your body goes through hormonal changes every day (hello, mood swings!), big dips like those that occur during hypothyroidism can signal danger, as a lack of thyroid hormone production causes the body’s functions to slow down. Not to mention, an underactive or overactive thyroid (calle...
Ovasitol has been shown to improve menstrual cycles in women with PCOS. For some, this can happen in as little as one month. I often suggest young women and teens consider taking Ovasitol first before jumping to birth control pills to regulate their periods. I am one of the few women with...
Expert says that harsh and constant UV radiation from the suncauses skincancer. You need to protect against skin cancer and seek vitamin D from other sources if you have skin problems. The American-Academy-of-Paediatrics suggest that infants, teens, and children should consume vitamin D supplemen...
What causes a mature hairline? Call it a mature hairline, thinning hair, a receding hairline, hairline maturation, balding or hair loss — the thinning cover of hair on your head is likely due tomale androgenetic alopecia, also known as androgenic alopecia. And for many men, it's part of...
Television Water skis. Earmuffs (御寒耳罩). What do they have in common? All were invented by kids! 500, 000 children and teens invent gadgets (小玩意) and games each year. These creations make our lives easier and more fun. WHEN IS IT ?
Cory Ruth,a registered dietitianand women’s health expert, first started noticing irregular periods in her teens. Getty Images “I remember always feeling like something was off. In high school, we learned that you get a period every 28 days and that’s that,” she s...
The only other time I’d felt so awful was when I was in a lot of pain, from menstrual cramps in my teens and twenties, and also sometimes with neck pain. During those times, I would actually vomit, and I may or may not have passed out for a second in an elevator once. (Huge ...