people don't sigh. Yes, the moon has now and once the earth is almost the same as the air around the moon, the moon's gravity, and thick atmosphere around the moon, everything seemed to go back to the once upon a time, people are living down here... "Wow! There are so many t...
What causes gravity may still be a vague question since gravity, as per current wisdom, is a fundamental interaction in nature. You just can not "explain" it from other simpler facts. Some recent attempts try to project it as less fundamental (like gravity is an entropic force). But that ...
What causes Gravity? If space curves and warps to make gravity, what happens when time warps and curves? What happens when two black holes are about to collide? Why is no mass lost when you are burning logs in a fire? What effect does the Earth's magnetic field...
Gravity is the force that causes two particles to pull towards each other. Learn about gravity and find out how Newton and Einstein explain gravity.
“I have not been able to discover the cause of those properties of gravity from phenomenon, and I frame no hypotheses … to us it is enough that gravity really does exist”. So there. Privately, Newton seems to have regarded gravity as a manifestation of God’s all-pervading spirit, whi...
What is the opposite of gravity?Force:The force can be defined as a quantity that applied to the object to change the position of the object or try to change the position of the object. The force applied depends upon the mass of the object and the acceleration of the object. The force...
But gravityisa problem, in that sense. We don't know what causes it at afundamentallevel. There are two major -- seemingly unrelated -- problems with it. The first one is that general relativity is so mind-bogglingly difficult to work with. If I give you a flat, empty Universe, Einst...
Such distortion exist on the entire Universe. This allows gravity space crafts to travel the distances between solar systems and galaxies, because the distortion is everywhere.. In general, the entire Universe has a vector of distortion pointing towards the center. I beleive that if we all ...
Gravity could be described as “falling towards something similar” The cause of gravity is a subtle twist, a torsion so to say, in the rigid fabric of the aether that pervades all space. Torsion of the aether’s matrix opens a preferred path of motion towards other, similarly affected regi...
Black holes are objects with immense gravity. The are so strong that not even light can escape them. Black holes can form in several different ways, including the collapse of massive stars.Answer and Explanation: Space-time is severely warped near a black hole. Time slows down the closer ...