aSexy Deja orders her fart slave to give her face, so he sticks his face in her ass and she farts on it! Her farts stink so bad and taste so good, he dives tongue-first into her asshole! While the fart slave is eating Deja’s asshole, guess what she does? THAT’S RIGHT – ...
What I wouldn't give for one of Phyllis's classic room clearing farts right now! Meanwhile, Dwight starts a gym, Darryl continues his season-long chartacter arc, and Kathy continues to... exist. Damn, who'd have thought that Jim Halpert was such a nimble little minx? Nothing motivates...
People are starting to stare as food flies in many directions, particularly from Littlewoods because she jerks her head around every time there’s a noise, which causes whatever she’s eating to fling out of her mouth. Mr. FW and I try to contain the particles and c...
Well, beer is carbonated, so that’s why it makes you fart. Coffee causes the sphincter muscles to relax just a little bit, so you tend to have more farts by accident if you’re drinking something with caffeine than if you aren’t. A lot of times when I wake up really early I hav...
Often times my farts feel physically hot. What causes that sensation? The sensation of heat is when the internal sphincter opens a little to sample what’s in the rectum. That is a normal response. If there isn’t a great deal of gas, the body will expel it slower, allowing you to ...