Kelly Brook on choosing to stay child-free Scientists say these 9 factors are what age you 14 daily tidying tips to declutter your home These 2 traits make you instantly more attractive Norovirus symptoms to watch for How to use Jennifer Aniston's 80/20 wellbeing tips ...
Introduction Normal Vaginal Discharge After Sex 1 Vaginal Lubrication 2 Female Ejaculate 3 Male Ejaculate 4 Cervical Mucus Abnormal Vaginal Discharge After Sex Point 1 2 Vaginal Infections 3 Other Causes Home Care for Abnormal Vaginal Discharge After Sex Point 1 ...
If you have white vaginal discharge but no other symptoms, this is most likely part of your normal menstrual cycle. However, if the vaginal discharge is not normal for you, then you may have an infection such as bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection. Other symptoms of an ...
Changes in vaginal discharge isn't one of theearly pregnancy symptomsthat women commonly report during thosefirst few weeks, either. If you suspect you might be pregnant, your best bet is to take apregnancy testaround the time you would expect your period. ...
Is vaginal discharge normal when I'm not having my period? Even when you don't have your period, it is normal to have a certain amount of discharge from your vagina. This discharge actually helps keep the vagina clean. The name for this normal discharge is leukorrhea (lu-ker-EA). Leuko...
What can she do about heavy vaginal discharge?Gives advice on vaginal discharge. Possible causes of excessive vaginal discharge; Alternative measures to absorb excess moisture during sex.Lever, JanetSchwartz, Pepper...
Related Conditions of Vaginal Flatulence When you release gas through your digestive system — also known as farting — it sounds a lot like a queef. But the causes of intestinal gas and vaginal flatulence are different. Swallowing excessive air can cause farting; bacteria in the intestine produce...
Experts break down everything you need to know about vaginal discharge, from what it is to when to consult your GP. Visit Boots to learn more.
What You Need to Know About Vaginal Discharge 4. Metallic If you’re smelling a metallic odor down there, it probably just means you’re on your period. Blood contains iron, so the smell often accompanies that time of the month. The smell should pass once your flow is finished. ...
Care guide for Vaginal Ring. Includes: possible causes, signs and symptoms, standard treatment options and means of care and support.