Simply put, sleep apnea is a condition that causes sleepers tostop breathing in their sleep. During these pauses, most who deal with sleep apnea will wake up briefly. However, in most cases, the sleeper isunaware that they woke upat all. That is why so many people with sleep apnea have...
they already have the sleeping disorder. Whensnoringis followed by breathing pauses and gasping sounds, it can be a sign of sleep apnea. Below is a list of the symptoms that may be helpful in diagnosing the disorder:
In this article, we will explore the different causes of insomnia and discuss ways to overcome this sleep disorder. [2] How do I know if I have insomnia? There are two types of insomnia: primary and secondary. If you have difficulty sleeping but there isn't an underlying health ...
such as working pressure, troubles on relationship and emotional fluctuation. Meanwhile, emotional state such as excessive tension, anxiety and depression can also easily affect our sleep. In addition, the more you fuss over sleeping problems, The more...
Excessive sleep, however, can lead to medical problems including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Similarly, chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to aspects of cardiovascular disease, obesity, depression, and even brain damage. But what would happen if you stopped sleeping right now? – ...
If your mean latency was below eight minutes and you experienced REM sleep during no more than one nap, you may have idiopathic insomnia, which causes excessive sleepiness during the daytime. If your mean latency was below eight minutes and you experienced REM sleep during no more ...
Fatigue (weariness, tiredness, exhaustion, lethargy) causes include sleep problems, heart disease, lung disease, medications, endocrine disorders, GI disorders, and more.
To many, psoriasis remains a mystery as far as the main causes are concerned. As earlier mentioned, research has shown about 30% of all causes is based on family history. However, there are a few lifestyle choices that may be a factor as well. Excessive drinking, being overweight, too ...
Narcolepsy is: A) having breathing problems and waking up several times during the night B) inability to fall asleep C) waking up many times during the night D) excessive sleeping You have been having some major problems sleeping. To help diagnose the problem, what would the doctor most like...
4. Excessive Strain Overusing the eyes can cause them to become fatigued which can lead to soreness. Performing tasks such as reading or staring at a bright screen for long periods of time can cause this sensation to occur. These tasks overwork the muscles and cause the body to blink less ...