If you take water pills, or diuretics, this can deplete your body of potassium. Diuretics help the body get rid of excess water and salt (sodium), and in so doing the kidneys put more sodium into the urine. Sodium absorbs water from the blood and this diminishes the levels of fluid in...
Stage 1: Early warning signs, such as an unhealthy weight with excess abdominal fat or prediabetes, begin to show. Stage 2: Health risks start to show, including Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high triglycerides or kidney disease. Stage 3: Heart and blood vessel problems begin alongsi...
Personality:People with certain personality traits are more likely to become depressed. These include negative thinking, pessimism, excess worry, low self-esteem, a hypersensitivity to perceived rejection, overdependence on others, a sense of superiority or alienation from others, and ineffective response...
‘Morning face’ sleep wrinkles become more prominent when sleeping directly on the hands (Photo Credit : Africa Studio/Shutterstock) Stress It seems like stress affects every part of the body, and the way our face looks in the morning is no exception. Elevated stresshormonesfrom chronic anxiety...
Ascher, “when the seasonal temperature changes and your body has not yet acclimated to sleeping with the appropriate number of blankets.” Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing to bed.Use a fan, put on the air conditioner, or crack open a window at night in the warmer months....
Non-stress-related, including lack of sleep, skipping meals, excess alcohol or tobacco, catching a cold or the flu, jaw clenching or teeth grinding may also contribute to tension-type headaches in some. Eye strain, staying in one position too long or having poor posture, or sleeping in a ...
In a study focused primarily on Black and African American mothers, participants were more likely to report self-blame, irritability, difficulty sleeping, and an inability to experience pleasure than some of the hallmark symptoms of depression, such as feelings of hopelessness or sadness. ...
What causes circadian rhythm disorders? What are sleeping disorders? What is nocturnal sleep related eating disorder? What physiological systems can cause abnormalities with sleep? Identify the major sleep disorders and the effects of sleep deprivation. ...
Top What Causes Vertigo Related Articles What Happens After Endolymphatic Sac Decompression Surgery? Endolymphatic sac decompression surgery is done to drain excess fluid from the inner ear. After this surgery, the operated ear is covered with a Glasscock dressing, which is a special dressing applied...
The heart rate of a sleeping person is low. Explain how nerves supplying the heart may produce a low heart rate in a sleeping person. Which of the following inhaled anesthetics causes centrally mediated sympathetic activation leading to a rise in blood pressure and heart rate? a) Desflurane ...