Production of Acid in the Stomach One of the most common causes of bile vomiting in dogs is due to hunger and excess acid production. This commonly takes place when the dog is left on an emptystomachfor too long and is often seen in dogs fed once a day. ...
HDL plays a major role in reverse cholesterol transportation that is; it removes excess LDL cholesterol from the the peripheral blood vessels, and transports it back to the liver for bile acid synthesis, and steroid synthesis or for disposal of cholesterol ring via bile. It also has several oth...
It causes stress in your own mind and body as well as in your relationships with friends and family. Cancer treatments can make it hard to do the things you’ve always done as a human being, a parent, or an employee. There’s nothing in your daily existence that cancer doesn’t touch...
What causes explosive diarrhea after eating? Explosive diarrhea can be caused by dumping syndrome or rapid gastric emptying, something that happens if the food in your stomach enters your small bowel too quickly. This can happen to people who have had surgery on their stomach or intestines. Explo...
What are the possible causes and effects of liver injury? What is the usual outcome of a liver injury? Deficiencies of vitamins A, D, and K occur in patients with cirrhosis primarily because of decreased? a. liver metabolism b. p...
There are some chemicals in your blood that are released by damaged or injured cells. Such injury could be from infection, trauma, problems with the immune system, or even cancer. In many conditions that causes abdominal pain, important inflammatory markers or indicators of inflammation often teste...
The liver contains afferent and efferent nerves from both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. These nerves arise from the splanchnic and vagal nerves encircling the portal vein, hepatic artery, and bile duct.Answer and Explanation: ...
CGM can also inform and influence lifestyle decisions. Even when used as a short-term tool, CGM can identify remediable causes of highly refractory hyperglycemia, such as the timing or content of the patient’s diet, exercise regimens, sleep patterns, or travel [116]. With awareness of the ...
What causes each type and what type of bilirubin is affected in each? What would drinking 4 cups of distilled water do to your urine via a urinalysis? What is the normal pH of urine? Describe two factors that can affect urine pH. What is the difference between bilirubin and bile? Why ...
proofread Ok! Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A new study has found that countries that had national policies aimed at preventing disease fared better during the global pandemic than those that did not. Ad Dr. Shimaa Elkomy, senior research fellow and lead author of the study at the Unive...