—and therefore contain a higher population of odor-producing microbes. Drool and slobber.Even when it’s dried and crusty, it still stinks like dog breath. And even when it’s not on the dog, it still smells like dog breath (just have a whiff of your pup’s bed). The drooliest poo...
they are HORRIBLE. Homemade bagels are kind of a pain because you have to shape them, plus boil them before baking. But they are crusty and chewy and so delicious, and so cheap to make, it's worth the sacrifice.
bloodshot eyes blend right into cherry red faceDidn’t she see me pull into the parking lot? if Brian was here I’d be a pint down by nowI’ve got six tickets up but he can’t see past that platypus nose“Can I get you a beer?”“IPA”“Are you hungry? Would you like to ...