These include NSAIDs, herbal or vitamin supplements, and hormones, such as estrogen or progestin. A stent may be placed if your chest pain is caused by blockage in your heart. A stent is a wire mesh tube that helps hold your artery open. You may need more than 1 stent. ...
About 1% to 2% of people who have a stent may get ablood clotwhere the stent is placed. This can put you at risk for aheart attackorstroke. Your risk of getting a blood clot is highest during the first few months after the procedure. After you get a stent put in, your doctor migh...
After the tube is in the artery, the balloon is filled with liquid. As the balloon fills, it presses the plaque against the artery wall so blood can flow through the artery more easily. Coronary intravascular stent placement is also called coronary artery stenting. The stent is a small ...
ER doctors typically diagnose a heart attack via an electrocardiogram; they’ll confirm the diagnosis by ordering other tests including a blood test, chest X-ray and echocardiogram. Medication and surgery, such as a bypass or stent placement, are common treatments that, if administered in time, ...
Stent PlacementA wire mesh tube is used to prop open an artery during an angioplasty and stays in the artery permanently. Artificial Heart Valve SurgeryThis procedure restores function to the heart valves by repairing or replacing a diseased or damaged heart valve with a healthy one. ...
Stable angina: This is chest pain or discomfort that happens when your heart muscle isn’t getting enough oxygen-rich blood. This usually happens during physical activity or emotional stress. The pain usually goes away with rest or medicine within 5 minutes Unstable angina: This is a more serio...
Drug-eluting stents have mostly replaced bare-metal stents, but bare-metal stents are not outdated. There might be times when a bare-metal stent is better. What Is the Procedure for Stent Placement? Drug-eluting stent placement happens during aprocedure called angioplasty. Your doctor makes a ...
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a group of different types of heart disease. Common heart disease symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, light-headedness, and dizziness. Heart disease has many causes, including genetics, atherosc
individuals with arrhythmias should seek emergency medical care especially if the arrhythmia is persistent or causes any symptoms related to heart attack symptoms, such as chest pain. Ventricular fibrillation and atrial fibrillation are two examples of arrhythmias. Atrial fibrillation may increase the risk...
Hello, for a long time I have been suffering from angina pectoris. The condition was stable before but now it became worse. Doctor said that cardiac catheterization has to be done. What kind of procedure is that? Can you give me some explanation so that I know what they will do to me...