Calcium oxalate is the most common type of crystal to form this way, 草酸钙结石最常这样形成 and accounts for about 80% of kidney stones. 八成的肾结石也是起因于草酸钙 Less common kidney stones are made of calcium phosphate, or uric acid. 少部分肾结石是由磷酸钙或尿酸形成 A slightly differen...
There are other types ofkidney stones. These are formed when you have more crystal in your urine than your body can dilute. These include: Calcium oxalate stones Calcium phosphate stones Uric acid stones Struvite stones What Causes Cystine Stones? Cystine stones are caused by a rare inherited co...
calcium and oxalate. Too much sodium increases the amount of calcium one’s kidneys must filter, raising the chance of stones forming. Also, not drinking enough water causes uric acid crystals to build up in
What causes amorphous sediment? In most instances the precipitation of crystals of calcium oxalate, uric acid triple phosphate, calcium phosphate and amorphous phosphates or urates is caused bytransient supersaturation of the urine, ingestion of foods, or by changes of urine temperature and/or pH wh...
The available publications on nephrocalcinosis are wide-ranging and have documented multiple causes and associations of macroscopic or radiological nephrocalcinosis, most often located in the renal medulla, with various metabolic and genetic disorders; in fact, so many and various are these that it is...
造成水资源的短缺. 5.引发能源的危机. 6.导致交通堵塞. 1. can cause the food supply insufficiency. 2. average per person floor spaces are few. 3. can cause the environment worsening. 4. creates the water resources the shortage. 5. initiation energy crisis. 6. causes the traffic jam.[...
What Causes Kidney Stones? You get kidney stones from high levels of certain minerals or salts in your pee, such as: Calcium Oxalate Phosphorus Uric acid Kidney stones form when you don’t have enough pee in your body to keep the concentration of these minerals low in your kidneys. Or you...
colon and leave as waste through the stool. If you have not eaten any calcium-rich food or beverage along with the higher oxalate food then the excess oxalate has nothing to bind to and must be reabsorbed into the blood. This will create higher oxalate levels on your next urine collection...
什么导致肾结石?What Causes KidneyStones? 当尿液中的水、盐和矿物质的正常平衡发生变化时,可能会形成肾结石。不同的变化导致不同类型的肾结石。有很多因素可以引发尿液的变化,从慢性疾病到你的饮食。Kidney stones may formwhen t...
Kidney stones, which are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys and affect the urinary tract, have no single cause. They form when the urine contains more crystal-forming substances (eg, calcium, oxalate and uric acid) tha