Hello! I am curious what causes broken blood vessels for it happens frequently I have problems with broken blood vessels in my eye especially the left one. It doesn't hurt or anything like that but it borders me for it looks so ugly that I avoid going out and sometimes it takes about ...
If the AVM has already bled, surgery may be needed to repair burst blood vessels, or remove blood from your brain. Your healthcare provider will use the size, location, and depth of the AVM to decide if surgery is right for you. Surgery can also be used to treat the abnormal blood ...
Low Blood Sugar Do you have diabetes? While your blood glucose may be OK when you turn in, it can drop while you're asleep. Maybe you had a very active day, or exercised in the evening, or had a late dinner. If you use insulin or take a sulfonylurea-type drug to manage your diab...
Blood blisters are a type of blister filled with blood rather than the clear fluid commonly associated with blisters. They are caused by a rupture of the blood vessels underneath the skin’s surface, usually cause by some form of trauma, such as pinching. Like all forms of blisters, blood ...
Astrokecomes on when yourbraindoesn't get thebloodand oxygen it needs. That could be due to a clot, known as an ischemic stroke. Or it can happen with a burst blood vessel, as with a hemorrhagic stroke. No matter which one it is, it's not long beforebraincells start to die. Once...
If a fallopian tube has ruptured, emergency surgery is needed, but sometimes surgery may be needed even if a tube hasn’t burst. The ectopic pregnancy may be removed from the tube leaving the tube in place, or the tube—together with the pregnancy tissue—may be removed. Typically, laparosc...
A stroke caused by a burst or torn blood vessel is called a hemorrhagic stroke. Signs and symptoms of a stroke will depend on where in the brain it occurred. Signs and symptoms usually appear suddenly. A stroke is a medical emergency that needs immediate treatment.What are the warning signs...
Often if a child’s diet is too high in carbohydrates, this is all they need and the magnesium also benefits the heart, muscles, blood vessels etc. so it’s a win-win. If your child is seriously constipated (where occasional magnesium citrate or dietary changes are not sufficient) then ...
If these blood vessels burst, they can cause bleeding and scarring in the eye, or even blindness. The chance of nerve damage, and of developing kidney disease, is also increased in a person with diabetes. Finally, foot health can become an issue for people with diabetes: because the ...
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who...