Twenty parents of nonverbal or minimally verbal autistic children took part in the current study. Data were provided in diverse formats including online interviews, telephone interviews, and writing. This approach was co-produced with autistic experts by experience. Data were analysed using reflexive ...
Nonverbal learning disorder is a brain based learning disability that affects abstract thinking and spatial relationships. ADHD, on the other hand, causes children to be hyperactive, inattentive and distracted. Unlike ADHD, Nonverbal learning disorders biggest impact is on the social skills of children...
This was originally posted at a group blog that I'm part of: We Are Like Your Child. It primarily addresses parents of young autistics, but I'm reposting here because I thought other autistic adults might have helpful tips to add or their own wishlist of
In the past, many interventions focused on goals that did not improve well-being, such as stopping autistic children from hand flapping or asking the child to make more prolonged eye contact. “Why? These aren’t dangerous behaviors,” Samelson says. “For many autistic people, hand flapping ...
About autism spectrum disorder Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a brain-based condition – that is, where the brain hasn’t developed in a typical way. Although no two children with ASD are the same, they all face challenges in interacting Get Access...
[cn:abuse,sa] I want to see research on long-term effects of compliance-based training on autistic children. Does it make it harder for us to escape abuse later in life? What about sexual consent? Can we say no when we should, or when we want to?#AutINSAR#INSAR2018
Defining Autism IDEA: Autism is a developmental disability that affects children prior to the age of three in three areas: – Verbal and nonverbal communication. Developmental Disorders Child Psychopathology Autism Diagnosis and description Etiology and treatment Case Reading for today: Chapter 10. ...
Because of this belief, I started researching therapies for autistic children, and I came across Stanley Greenspan‘s Floortime DIR. Floortime required caretakers of a child to get down on the floor on the same level as the child and to try to see the child’s point of view, while ...
Will not respond to parent’s voice Will not babble (baby talk) or point by 1 year of age Will not respond to their name Will not smile or laugh in response to others behavior Signs of Autism in Baby’s Second Year As some autistic children reach age 2, they may regress or lose lan...
Will not respond to parent’s voice Will not babble (baby talk) or point by 1 year of age Will not respond to their name Will not smile or laugh in response to others behavior Signs of Autism in Baby’s Second Year As some autistic children reach age 2, they may regress or lose lan...