This blog is going to be a continuation of last weeks discussion on anxiety. I know that this will seem like it doesn’t necessarily have much to do with eating disorders but hopefully by understanding your anxiety, a major contributor to your eating disorder, you will be better able to de...
What is the mechanism that causes cancer, and what are its causes? What exactly is going on biologically at the molecular level with acne and causes breakouts? What are some methods the health care professional can use to deal with stress? What triggers Apoptosis? What is/are the physiolo...
What chemical/biological processes are the major causes of anxiety? What is the biological process that leads to you falling asleep involuntarily when you are tired? List two hormones associated with psychological distress. What is the biological process behind your face turning red when you see you...
Put simply, anxiety is a sense of fear and apprehension that puts you on alert. Biologically, it’s meant to put us in a heightened sense of awareness so we’re prepared for potential threats. Unfortunately, when we start to feel excessive anxiety, or we live in a constant state of anxi...
1. Life adversity causes chronic stress, biologically represented by upregulation of the HPA axis and increased corticosteroid production.A 2008 studyfinds that rats who are subjected to chronic stress develop atrophy of dendrites in their prefrontal cortex. Administering glucocorticoids directly mimicked ...
What is the mechanism that causes cancer, and what are its causes? What exactly is going on biologically at the molecular level with acne and causes breakouts? What biological processes cause stress and anxiety to turn hair white? What causes cancer and what are the effects of cancer on the...
Licensed Clinical Social Worker | Specialization in Trauma, Depression and Anxiety I’ve spent about 13 years in mental health settings, primarily treating severe trauma and mental illness and the majority of the work is changing the perspective of the mind which while it can be biologically influe...
we think about a lot of other possible causes for memory lapses. When someone comes into the clinic and says they're havingmemory problems, we ask about medications, otherpsychiatric problemslike anxiety and depression, and their sleep. There are a lot of factors that can affect memory and th...
What biological processes cause stress and anxiety to turn hair white? Describe an open dump. What environmental problems do open dumps cause? What are things that can disrupt neurotransmitter? What are the effects of that disruption? How do the causes of diarrhea for ETEC and EPEC serotypes di...
females are more prone to major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders compared to males. One major biological factor contributing to sex differences is the sex chromosomes. First, the X and Y chromosomes have unique and specific genetic effects as well as downstream gonadal effects. Second, male...