Some of the common symptoms of genital warts are: Itching Vaginal discharge Burning Bleeding If the condition becomes severe, it may also cause immense pain. What Causes Genital Warts? Genital warts is caused by the HPV virus, which is commonly transmitted through sex. It can also spread from...
What is the causative agent of genital warts? What is impetigo? Is genital warts a viral disease? What type of HPV causes warts? What is the etiology of impetigo? What is herpes encephalitis? Is there a vaccine for genital warts?
What kind of bacteria is chlamydia? Is gonorrhea a communicable disease? What STDs can cause a bladder infection? What was the worst disease outbreak in history? Is an STD a communicable disease? Is syphilis a communicable disease? What is a highly infectious disease?
What can i do to gain weight, If you want to gain weight to build yourself up to get an athletic build you need protein. Read More » what can cause rosacea What can cause rosacea, Rosacea is a skin condition that causes protrusions and redness on the face. It is a chronic conditio...
Every time you have an outbreak, IF you have a healthy immune system, the virus gets weaker. It’s kind of like if you cut something in half over and over there’s always something left, but eventually, IF you eat healthy and keep a potent immune system, it will become virtually non...
Genital Warts (HPV) It's not necessary to have sexual intercourse for a sexually-transmitted disease (STD) to harm your health. The human papillomavirus (HPV), the disease that causes genital warts, can be transmitted by close skin-to-skin contact. Some types of HPV cause cervical or anal...
Causes of skin tags on eyelids Doctors aren’t entirely sure what causes skin tags to form, but there are some theories about how they develop. Lack of elastic tissue in the skin As the skin ages, it loses its elasticity. Older skin has less collagen and fewer elastic fibers to maintain...
(This does not address the strains of HPV which cause genital warts.) So, those people have an HPV infection, and only if and when the infection persists does their sexually transmitted infection become a sexually transmitted disease. However, those with an asymptomatic HPV infection can still ...
An outbreak of SARS caused by a novel coronavirus severely affected Taiwan in 200310, and the first confirmed diagnosis of SARS was on February 25, 2003, and the last diagnosis on June 15, 2003. Through this endemic outbreak, there were 346 patients diagnosed with SARS and 37 died among the...
HPV causes cervical cancer, penile and anal cancers, cancers of the mouth and throat, and genital warts. The HPV vaccine works really well to protect against strains of the virus that cause more than 90% of these cancers. The AAP and the CDC recommend the flu shot for everyone age 6 mon...