What makes a BULLY?(social views of homosexuality as cause of aggressive behaviour in gay youth)Kirby, David
What causes passive-aggressive personality disorder? What causes alcohol use disorder? What is addiction according to the American Psychiatric Association? What triggers multiple personality disorder? What causes co-occurring substance use disorder and mental health disorders? What are the main causes of...
What causes passive aggressive behavior? When you supply negative reinforcement it usually results in what? How do you reinforce positive behavior in adults? How do you detect negative reinforcement? What are some positive and negative examples of deindividuation?
Impulsive behaviors don’t always have a clear or obvious cause, but many factors can contribute to why someone might struggle with impulsiveness. Genetics, personality types, and mental health conditions can all play a role in spontaneous behavior. Here are some of the leading causes of frequent...
Research Unit in Behaviour & Social Issues; CZ: Charles University (Institute of Sexology), Ceska spolecnost AIDS pomoc; DE: Berlin Social Science Research Center (WZB), Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe; Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA); DK: Statens Serum Institut, Department of Epidemiology, STO...
Newspapers are constantly filled with frightening accounts of drug addiction and aggressive behaviour supposedly caused by violent videogames. But even when these accounts touch on real concerns, they do not really reflect the great mass of everyday teenage social behaviour: the online chat, the ...
include:“I'm passive so best sex life would be with a good looking 7–8 inch top who can fuck well”; or “Being a passive boy for fit aggressive dominant tops”. This theme captures stated desires for group sexual activity (threesomes etc.) as well as less common sexual practices, ...
“…changes in in social and political values within only a few decades, the striving for change and economic supremacy, the pull for aggressive behaviour not just of single persons, but of whole populations – we may mention the political riots and revolutions of that time – now interact wit...
managing other difficult behaviours. While some disrespectful behaviour may be normative as children progress intoadolescence(such as slammed doors or yelling), if this behaviour is repeated frequently, escalates in frequency or nature, involves physical harm, or causes youfear, it needs t...
What psychological and social-cultural factors may trigger aggressive behavior?The social-cognitive approach to personality is sometimes criticized for: a. adopting a view of human nature that is too pessimistic b. being insufficient as a general accoun...