What are the warning signs of diabetes? What are the causes of adult-onset diabetes? What is the best way to treat this disease? Destruction of what part of the brain causes memory loss? How does Cushing syndrome arise and what are the signs and symptoms?
From a clinical perspective, most AE patients present with a subacute onset and progression (< 3 months) of various symptoms, mainly related to limbic disfunction, including memory deficits, psychiatric symptoms, seizures, and altered mental status – as reported in the diagnostic criteria for ‘...
They have been very disproportionately short from childhood (the final adult height is 131±5.6 cm in males and 124±5.9 cm in females). Intelligence is normal, and pregnancy is possible in adulthood. If the potentially fatal complications, such as hydrocephalus and cervical spinal cord injury, ...
These lesions may involve but are not limited to Chiari type I malformation, obstructive hydrocephalus, posterior fossa structural lesions (as arachnoid cysts, dermoid tumors, meningiomas, or Os odontoideum), spontaneous low CSF pressure or leak, subdural hematoma, multiple brain metastases, acute ...
Axial T1 post contrast (D): 10-year-old boy with vomiting and headaches: There are synchronous tumors in the suprasellar (arrow) and pineal region with hydrocephalus. Subtle LME is seen in the superior vermis (curved arrows). Pathology: Germinoma. 4.4. Systemic Meningeal Metastases (SMM) ...