Much like asthma causes inflammation in the lining of your airways,sinusitiscauses inflammation in the mucus membranes that line yoursinuses. This makes the membranes put out more mucus. If you have asthma and your sinuses get inflamed, your airways may too. Prompt treatment of asinus infectionca...
Asthma is a chronic lung disorder that can make breathing difficult. With asthma, a person experiences narrow, inflamed airways (bronchial tubes). "Asthma" is an ancient Greek word meaning "short breath," and as the name implies, it can leave you gasping for air. One of the telltale signs...
Adults can also develop asthma, and only about 30% of adult-onset asthma triggers are related to allergies. Risk factors for adult-onset asthma include being female, obesity, hormonal fluctuations such as those experienced during or after pregnancy or menopause, and viral or other infections. Typ...
and make you wonder what causes asthma in the first place. the answer isn’t entirely clear-cut, but doctors have some ideas. let’s do a quick refresher on how asthma works so you can better understand what may cause it. there are various types of asthma , but they all have the ...
Although asthma often starts in childhood, some people will not have their first symptoms until they are adults. This is known as adult-onset asthma, and is more common in women (due to hormonal factors such as pregnancy or menopause) and those with existing allergies. It may also occur aft...
Here’s a look at several different types of asthma—and what triggers or causes them. Adult-Onset Asthma Asthma is the most common chronic respiratory disease that affects children, affecting 14% of children worldwide, according toBMJ Paediatrics Open. But childhood is not the only time asthma...
In adult-onset egg allergic reactions, reported symptoms may comprise: eyelid and lip swelling, itching of the throat, eyes, and ears, and redness and watering of the eyes [5]. Causes of adult-onset egg allergy Egg allergies occur when your body’s immune system becomes sensitive and ...
As the skin gradually loses it's color, patch by patch, other people may treat someone with vitiligo like a leper, thinking they have a contagiousskin disease. In fact, vitiligo is called "whiteleprosy" in India. Women with it are often discriminated against in marriage. If they develop vi...
AsthmadiagnosistreatmentGlobal Initiative for AsthmaguidelinesThe Executive Committee of the "Global Initiative for Asthma" (GINA) has recently published new guidelines for the management of bronchial asthma. GINA 2006 differs from GINA 2005 in essential aspects. Therefore, differences and new aspects are...
What causes steroid acne? Steroid acne is caused by a specific type of medication called corticosteroids. Prescription corticosteroids are used for treating asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, and other conditions.⁶ Researchers recently discovered that corticosteroids could affect a spe...