Plantar wartsform on the bottom of the foot. This part of your foot is called the plantar surface. The growths appear on the top layer of skin called theepidermis. They are caused by thehumanpapillomavirus(HPV). A plantar wart can spread if you touch, scratch, or pick at it. Sometimes...
A corn and callus also can be present in the same lesion, and paring down the callus can reveal an underlying focal corn.Other differential diagnoses include a plantar wart, a digital mucous cyst, and a dermatofibroma. Typically, plantar warts present as multiple, firm, rough papules ...
If you have the sensation that there are pebbles in your shoes, examine the soles of your feet. Plantar warts (verruca) appear on the soles of your feet, usually on weight-bearing areas like your heels, and grow into skin due the pressure from walking and standing. If these foot warts ...
dermatologistis usually involved in the treatment plan. The dermatologist can examine the skin, take a scraping if necessary, and recommend a course of action for addressing the problem. If a keratolytic is recommended, the patient will be given clear directions on its use, including how many t...
This patient had undergone surgery on the right foot, had been in a cast, and CRPS developed afterwards. The following x-ray reveals the severe osteoporosis that can occur. Look how demineralized the middle of the foot appears. There are two types of CRPS, Type I and Type II. Type I ...
What is the Connection Between a Heel Spur and Plantar Fasciitis? What are the Most Common Causes of Sharp Heel Pain? How do I Choose the Best Heel Spur Shoes? What is the Best Treatment for Heel Pain from Plantar Fasciitis? What are the Most Common Causes of Foot Pain in the Heel?