For millions of people who get regular migraines, pain and discomfort in an unfortunately regular occurrence. Migraines are a type of headache, but they differ in many ways. Migraines start with vasodilation, which is the enlargement of the blood vessels in the brain. This causes, “the release...
A migraine may also cause nasal congestion and watery eyes, leading some doctors to think you may have a sinus headache, or sinusitis, in which your sinuses become red and inflamed. Sinusitis, however, lasts for more than just a couple days, and may last weeks or months. It's been est...
“It is important to investigate for other causes of transient neurologic symptoms when patients have vascular risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes or smoking history,” Graley says. “This is especially true when patients are over the age of 40 and do not have a history of migraine...
Aching eyes causes pain in the eyeball or on the eyes surface. It is often referred to as ophthalmalgia and categorized as ocular pain or orbital pain.
A migraine headache usually begins as a dull ache around the eye or temple. The pain may get worse with movement. You may also have the following:Pain in your head that may increase to the point that you cannot do everyday activities Pain on one or both sides of your head Throbbing, ...
That way, you can make certain lifestyle adjustments that might help you avoid getting a migraine in the first place. The most likely cause of migraines: Your genes It's not fully understood what precisely causes a migraine, though researchers believe that some people are likely more ...
wholehead.Migrainescanlastfromtwohourstoafewdays. Migrainesaffectaroundoneintenpeople.Theyarethree timesmorecommoninfemalesandtendtoaffectyoung peoplewhoareotherwisehealthy.Mostpeoplewhoget migraineswillhaveafamilymemberwiththesameproblem. Whatcausesamigraine? Thecauseofmigrainesisunclear. Studiessuggestthatamigraine...
Migraine is one of the most debilitating chronic disorders and has a prevalence near that of high blood pressure, a common disease. Migraine often affects people during their most productive years (20 to 40 years of age), with men having a slightly later duration and there are different ...
Tension, migraine, cluster, and hypnic headaches are considered primary headaches, meaning the headache is the main problem, and it’s not a symptom of another underlying condition. But “secondary” means that some other problem caused your headache. There are many potential causes, including: ...
What causes vestibular migraines? Do vestibular migraines go away? How can physiotherapy help with neurological disorders? How long does old dog vestibular disease last in dogs? How long does a vestibular migraine last? What neurological disorders cause dizziness?