What were death marches during the Holocaust? What was the Jewish resistance during the Holocaust? What happened to the Jews during the Holocaust? What happened to the Jews after the Holocaust? What caused the problems in Germany prior to the Holocaust?
Witnessing the Looting of Jewish Belongings During the Holocaust: What Can History Do with Images?Sarah Gensburger
In specific terms, ‘the Holocaust’ or ‘Shoah’ refers to the systematic annihilation of six million Jewish people by Germany’s Nazi regime over the period January 30 1933 to May 8 1945. The Holocaust is a unique event in the history of humankind, in that one specific people, the Jews...
Under Nazi leadership, Jewish people were forced to wear yellow badges on their clothing to identify them. This was a tactic aimed at separating Jews... Learn more about this topic: The Holocaust | Overview, Causes & Timeline from Chapter 7/ Lesson 4 ...
While it's impossible to know the exact motivations these survivors would have for committing suicide, there are several reasons that are often cited. First, the traumatic nature of the Holocaust experience caused serious mental health issues like depression, anxiety, ...
What was the Munich Pact Germany: One of Hitler's main goals when he took control of Germany was to bring Germany back to the dominate global power it had been before World War I. He began with breaking the Treaty of Versailles, which had limited German borders. Hitler felt that the exp...
What is the different between Hutu and Tutsi? What were death camps during the Holocaust? What was the Albanian genocide? What is genocide? What was the Jewish resistance during the Holocaust? What caused the fall of Saigon? What was the Armenian Genocide?
Judith remains the role model of a Jewish heroine. But for Italian Renaissance painters, Judith exemplified a beguiled man's downfall at the hands of scheming women. There are many priceless paintings of this scene by a host of Old Masters. ...
As we get ready to observe the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, the Day of Atonement, I wanted to share a piece I wrote a few years ago on the Book of Jonah. Gmar Hatimah Tovah! May you and your loved ones be sealed in the Book of Life for a year of happiness and health...
What were the social and economic causes of Russian Revolution? What caused the Diplomatic Revolution? What caused the Great Migration during World War I? What caused the Rebellion of 1837? What are the three main causes of the American Civil War? What caused the Holocaust? What were the main...