That we did is only testimony, however, to the skill of those who presided over these events at the head of governments in the US and Europe. Chairman Bernanke's quote above should give us pause. It was much worse than we might like to admit. Like a patient recovering from a serious,...
感恩节前学习了《The Crash of 2008 and What it Means: The New Paradigm for Financial Markets》,理应写篇读书笔记。核心论点:事件当中的不确定因素,不但影响参与者的判断,而且同时也影响着事件本身。他指出,人有两个能力。一是认知能力,二是改造能力。作为哲学家,然而,他们并没有给操纵能力给予足够的重视。哲...
感恩节前学习了《The Crash of 2008 and What it Means: The New Paradigm for Financial Markets》,理应写篇读书笔记。 核心论点:事件当中的不确定因素,不但影响参与者的判断,而且同时也影响着事件本身。他指出,人有两个能力。一是认知能力,二是改造能力。作为哲学... (展开) 0回应 之江 2012-05-16 10...
The close-knit residents of Hackett Island have never seen anyone quite like Lani Garver. Everything about this new kid is a mystery: Where does Lani come from? How old is Lani? And most disturbing of all, is Lani a boy or a girl? Claire... PU Carol 被引量: 2发表: 2004年 ...
Here's What Caused the Great Recession In mid-September catastrophe erupted, dramatically and in full public view. Financial news became front-page, top-of-the-hour news, as hundreds of dazed-looking Lehman Brothers employees poured onto the sidewalks of Seventh Avenue in Manhattan, clutching offi...
The U.S. financial problem stems from the way in which President Obama responded to the junk-mortgage and bank-fraud crash of 2008. He bailed out the banks, because his presidential campaign was sponsored largely by bankers such as Robert Rubin (the Treasury Secretary under Bill Clinton, an...
What caused the crash? The ship involved in the crash, a Singapore-flagged vessel called the Dali, had just left the Port of Baltimore when it reported losing propulsion before crashing into the bridge support. Officials said the crew issued a mayday call, which gave them time to stop traffi...
592 The Global Financial Crisis and a New Capitalism? by Although laissez-faire capitalism is intrinsically unstable, the lessons of the 1929 stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression of the 1930s were transformed into theories and institutions or regulations that led to the "30 ......
Inside Job, nominated for best documentary feature at the Oscars, explains how the financial crash of 2008 happened, who was responsible and how little they have been held to account. Its author and director, Charles Ferguson, who has a degree in maths and a PhD in political science from ...
What was the main cause of the recession that began in 2007? What caused the Great Recession? What was the nature of the US recession in 2008? What can lead to a recession? What are two major problems associated with a recession? What products are recession-proof? What are some factors ...