What was the purpose of the Freedom Summer? What was the goal of the United States' invasion at the Bay of Pigs? What was the main goal of the War of Reform? What did the name of Operation Enduring Freedom change to? What is Al-Qaeda's ideology?
but have never once criticized the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Tienanmen Square Massacre, or the murderous ethnic cleansing of Milosevic. They claim that Hussein's invasion of Kuwait was justified, because the world's resources should belong to all the people (I guess Saddam was going ...
Christmas 1991 marked a new phase for world politics when USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev announced his resignation from his position, and the fall of the Soviet Union was confirmed. His 10-minute televised speech focused on the successes he'd brought to the region, including strides in human r...
Europe subsequently froze that $400+ billion in Russian fiat assets in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which is equivalent to over 20% of Russian GDP and over five years of Russian military spending; an utterly massive economic confiscation. Russia is currently in a financial crisis,...
American involvement in WWII was limited: The military contributed materials and financial support to Great Britain, the Republic of China, and the Soviet Union. Expecting eventual involvement, however, the U.S. was also beginning to strengthen its own military forces. From June of 1940 through ...
American people he would never lie to them, defeated Ford in the 1976 election. Internationally, an agreement signed in 1973 ended U.S. involvement in Vietnam and the U.S. and U.S.S.R. continued to pursue détente, which essentially ended with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in late ...
It would be years before the onset of WWII; however, a hint of ensuing international conflict set in when Japanese forces captured Manchuria in violation of the League of Nations in September 1931. The invasion put U.S. Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson in the position of determining a ...
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, a gasoline shortage due to production declines, massive gasoline price hikes, and resulting rampant inflation, along with rising unemployment. It may not have been the worst Presidential tenure; Hoover bore the brunt of the Great Depression. It was, however, bad en...
Thus, ideas promoting non-provocative defence were not novel when they began receiving attention in the late 1970s and early 1980s, a period marked by deteriorating East-West relations caused by such problems as regional conflicts in Africa, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the build-up of ...
What countries fought in the Soviet-Afghan War? What country does the Dirty War refer to? What is another name for the Persian Gulf War? What happened in the Iran-Iraq War? What countries were involved in the Vietnam War? What was the outcome of the Iran-Iraq War? What country did Ge...