An overview is presented on the progression and the impact of the accident in the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant based on the public information until December, 2011. The accident was caused by a loss of powers and heat sink for cooling which was triggered by a massive earthquake and ...
Among the many nuclear disasters that have taken place worldwide, Fukushima was easily one of the worst. After a major earthquake caused a tsunami to hit the coastal Japanese city, reactors at a nearby nuclear power plant overheated and melted, releasing radioactive materials into the surrounding...
To make matters worse, this combined natural disaster caused a serious accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima. Uncontrolled ruptures and leakage from the plants led to large-scale radiation contamination in the surrounding area. We would like to express our deepest condolences to the ...
Accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Stations of TEPCO —Outline & lessons learned— The severe accident that broke out at Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power stations on March 11, 2011, caused seemingly infinite damage to the daily life of re... S Tanaka - 《Proceedings of the ...
DOI:10.4018/978-1-7998-3479-3.ch110 Abstract To date, our global society is endlessly threatened by disasters. This article devotes to describe both risks and crises on disaster, and especially it deals with the nature of Fukushima case caused by accident of nuclear power plant (aftermath of...
I have kept current on Fukushima. It has caused me to closely scrutinize where any fish is coming from - particularly the Pacific Ocean. I've had to stop eating my favorite prawns and salmon unless I know for sure where it was caught. After Fukushima, I started researching farm raised sal...
The Soviets had worse luck. The worst nuclear accident in history was the April 1986 catastrophe at Unit 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear plant in the then-USSR, which was caused by a combination of system breakdowns, design flaws and badly trained personnel. During a routine test, the reactor sud...
Fukushima Nuclear Accident—What Happened? "Fukushima" will now be remembered with "Three Mile Island" and "Chernobyl", three places where nuclear accidents occurred. Apparently nuclear technology is on trial now. Though many reactors and related facilities are involved, the radi... Parthasarathy,K...
I started interviewing and shooting Fukushima from the day the Fukushima nuclear power plant exploded in March 2011. Because, until 10days before that, I was filming Ukraine and Belarus 25years after the Chernobyl accident. I wondered if the ruined towns and villages I saw in Chernobyl would lo...
What was Chernobyl like before the accident? What caused the Chernobyl accident? What reactor blew up in Chernobyl? What went wrong at Chernobyl? What was Chernobyl built for? What was in the Chernobyl reactor? What happened to those responsible for Chernobyl? What happened to Chernobyl's victim...