Engineering jobs in transportation equipment manufacturing pay about $100,000 a year. Jobs in aerospace are expected to grow more slowly, at about 6% over the next decade, but the pay is better, with a median salary of more than $130,000 a year, according t...
If you’re interested in engineering but don’t know what kind of engineer you want to be, that’s okay. In most college engineering programs, all students take the same foundational classes for the first two years anyway. Students can also hone their skills outside...
FEMALE PROFESSOR: Excellent. Hmm ?a major in aerospace engineering with a minor in math. You'll go far with that degree.More of our students should do that—there are so many more opportunities available in the field when you have a strong math background. ...
When I went to college, I knew exactly what I wanted to be: aerospace engineer. I had three scholarships with the engineering school and was looking forward to designing jet fighters and space shuttles, and possibly also flying my creations and becoming a Jedi. Unfortunately, I quickly found ...
Being an astronaut is exciting for anyone who likes to design and build technology because the job involves testing the limits of what technology can do. If you dream of exploring faraway places, there are few journeys more fun to imagine than the prospect of space travel. ...
Their role is to solve problems with regard to agriculture, which can include plants, animals, and machinery. For example, they can design farm equipment that makes harvesting more efficient. Aerospace Engineer For those who are excited about flight or space exploration, aerospace engineering would ...
Engineering is the discipline that designs, creates, and maintains the technologies through a rigorous process of problem solving and innovation. 9 Can you study technology without engineering? Yes, one can study technology focusing on its use and implications without delving into the engineering aspect...
A physics degree can take you pretty much anywhere, from healthcare and engineering, to aerospace and energy. Discover more physics careers here…
LabVIEW has what you need to build automated test systems, fast. Outpace the competition with LabVIEW. Unlike other solutions: LabVIEW can connect to any instrument, regardless of vendor LabVIEW has a native user interface for monitoring and controlling test ...
Sowhatcanyoudotofightagainstthenegativemindsetandstaycalmbeforeandduringyour test? 4 Yes,thisseemsobvious,butit?sworthrepeating.Ifyoufeelconfidentthatyou?ve preparedthoroughly,you?llfeelmoreconfidentwalkingintothetest.Thesecondtipissimple: juststart.Theblankpagecanmaximizeyouranxiety. 5 Youcanalwaysgobackand...