These days, there are so many great animated shows and movies aimed at all ages that plenty of folks still turn to cartoons as a respite from the real world. Animation is a modern art form: It can be a commentary on society and a way of understanding the world, giving viewers the oppo...
This used by many children but relying on it too heavily can be a problem. You may hear movie lines or tv show quotes as your preschooler plays because he is acting out and rehearsing certain scenes that he liked. That’s ok! However, if your preschooler seems to be stuck on one ...
Today is a new day. And if you’re not sure where to start, that’s OK. Take some time to plan. (Heaven knows we have ALL THE TIME right now!) Brainstorm with your family members about things you can do together. Make lists. Figure out what they want to learn. Make a schedule....
You can’t beatBrudertrucks in realism and function for this age range. You just can’t. These trucks are the mack daddy of them all, and at several feet long, kids can really examine the features and learn more about how the real ones operate. TheBruder MAN Crane Truckdefinitely got t...