Many of the people who answer yes to that question believe we’re close to unlocking something calledartificial general intelligence, or AGI, a hypothetical future technology that can do a wide range of tasks as well as humans can. A few of them have even set their sights on what they cal...
What does view bobbing mean in Minecraft? ON. View Bobbing. Togglesthe "bobbing" motion of the camera as the player is walking. Disabling it may increase performance. Why do humans bob their heads? b) In learning a song, or playing along with songs, the mind intuitivelyuses the cerebellum...
“On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big?” lays out the risks of large language models—AIs trained on staggering amounts of text data. These have grownincreasingly popular—andincreasingly large—in the last three years. They are now extraordinarily goo...
So he yells back that he can have the queen as long as he can go back home, except his monkey noises are translated to say the exact opposite of this, lol. -Kondo is surprised when the other Gorillas cheer him on, 13816 ns吧 ADING♤ 【讨论】Minecraft大更新啦。。搬运了个带中文的...