What are factors on the part of both the mother and the father that can influence prenatal development of a child? What is the difference between male and female Marchantia? What are the social and psychological factors that...
Focusing on the formative texts and practices underpinning the rise of the national security state in America, while alluding to more recent developments, the article claims that security and identity are inextricably linked, not just in the obvious existential ways, but also in a far more ...
除了第三人称代词, she 和 he 还有名词的用法,分别表示雌性动物和雄性动物,可以替换 female 和 male. Is it a he or a she?它是公的还是母的? 看到别人养的小狗很可爱,我们都忍不住问你的狗是公的还是母的,这句话翻译为Is your dog male ...
Micro-invalidation: An action that dismisses the relevance of a person's experiences that are connected to their identity. For example, the accidental use of incorrect pronouns that you think match a person's gender. Research has demonstrated that microaggressions can take a toll o...
Corresponding to Albert's description of the "monstrosity" he calls "hermaphrodite", however, the illustrator has also included a rare medieval depiction of an intersex person possessing both male and female genitalia. What's more, the same margins also feature other examples of monstrous births, ...
Corresponding to Albert's description of the "monstrosity" he calls "hermaphrodite", however, the illustrator has also included a rare medieval depiction of an intersex person possessing both male and female genitalia. What's more, the same margins also feature other examples of monstrous births, ...
sometimes took on the roles of men (I'm sorry, I can't remember the name of the culture) when there was no son to inherit property. I've seen the photos on the internet and I think it's important for us to remember that gender identity has always been a complex and flexible ...
Gender fluid means not having a fixed, single sense of your gender. This fluidity reflects how a person's gender identity can be something other than the conventional gender archetypes of male and female. Gender identity refers to an internal understanding of your gender, regardless of what your...
The sexuality of a person is an important element of who they are, and it can influence their ideas, feelings, and behaviors. All these things are entirely natural and are part of the wide range of human relationships and experiences. ...
gender identity性别认同 gender 表示社会性别,是自身所在的生存环境对其性别的认定,强调一个人对自身的性别认同和性取向。 相比与生俱来的生理性别,社会性别是一种文化构成物,多是后天形成的。性别角色就是 gender role, 跨性别者(生理性别和心理性别不一样的人)要翻译为transgender. ...