The relationship between these enzymes is described using the AST/ALT ratio. This is a calculation that compares the levels of AST and ALT in your blood. Depending on which value is elevated and the amount of elevation, healthcare providers can often get a pretty strong indication as to what...
Formation of an abscess behind the throat (retro-pharyngeal abscess) due to untreated or under-treatedstrep throatinfection can lead to severe illness causingpainin throat and neck,difficulty swallowing, and potential respiratory compromise. These abscesses may need to be drained by an ear-nose-thr...
Infectious mononucleosis A viral disease caused by infection with Epstein–Barr virus most commonly during adolescence and young adulthood. The classical symptoms include fever, sore throat and swollen lymph glands, especially in the neck. Influence of heterologous immunity. Heterologous immunity is the ...
The liver can be an indicator of icterus, the technical term for jaundice, which is a yellowing of the skin and the whites of one's eyes. Learn about the major causes of jaundice, the differences between conjugated and unconjugated ...
Laboratory values can indicate pancreatic cancer, but they are not specific or sensitive for cancer of the pancreas. A laboratory blood test known as carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) is also used in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. The normal range of CA 19-9 is between 0 and 37 ...
mononucleosis gallbladder disease the presence of toxins from drugs or alcohol cancer It may also indicate muscle damage from a fall or injury, or a muscle disease such as polymyositis or muscular dystrophy. And it can indicate problems with your kidneys, heart or pancreas, or a breakdown of ...
(HPV) that causes genital warts is associated with carcinoma of the cervix, and the Epstein-Barr virus that causes infectious mononucleosis, is associated with Burkitt's lymphoma. Diseases or drugs that affect the immune system can also increase the risk for certain cancers. The disease AIDS, ...
On a less positive note, there was an elevated level of chronic fatigue syndrome or chronic mononucleosis in the experiencer group. 38% of the participants in our study have a CFIDS or RM diagnosis, whereas less than 1% of the US population has this diagnosis. This is a highly significant...
mononucleosis gallbladder disease the presence of toxins from drugs or alcohol cancer It may also indicate muscle damage from a fall or injury, or a muscle disease such as polymyositis or muscular dystrophy. And it can indicate problems with your kidneys, heart or pancreas, or a breakdown of ...
Viral infections, such as Epstein-Barr virus or EBV (mononucleosis), Coxsackie, CMV, and other infections can also be risk factors for developing type 1 diabetes. Living in a northern climate is a risk factor that has not been fully explained. What is the difference between type 1 and type...