who mind or not adapt who needs to be certi who ruin who says i do not lov who seemed alright who stole the cookies who then can be able who wants more who wants to be a mil who wants to wait who was married to a who was not on our se who was that who will steal my gen ...
Are you a quiet person? You can try jogging, yoga, or tai chi. They help you relax and focus. What is your favourite sport? I couldn't choose, I really love them all! Aisha Aisha
I don't think there's a great risk of word fatigue if you use 'said'. Better yet, use nothing at all if you can get away with it. Matt - Almost 9 years ago Good advice, Matt. It does depend (as you say) on whether using a dialogue tag will avoid unnecessary and cliched ...
It wouldn't surprise me if Samsung do similar things with hardware — just rush something out to be first. But I would struggle to believe that right now, we can buy a flip smartphone that isn't going to have creases on that screen after being opened and closed hundreds of times every...
I installed Editvoice pack correctly as far as I can tell. It increased speed, created 71820 wave files, I changed the terminology to European and instead of sayin one one eight POINT nine it said one one eight DECIMAL nine. Upon departure I had the Editvoice pack wave file reminding me...