肾结石成因 What causes kidney stones?| TED-Ed共计2条视频,包括:双语版、生肉版等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
Kidney stones can be made of uric acid, calcium, phosphate, or oxalate crystals. You may have more than one kidney stone.What increases my risk for kidney stones?Not drinking enough liquids (especially water) each day Having urinary tract infections often Too much of certain foods, such as ...
The biggest kidney stone on record weighed more than a kilogram and was 17 centimeters in diameter. The patient didn’t actually swallow a stone the size of a coconut; kidney stones form inside the body. So how do they grow in the first place? And why are they so painful to get out?
Take over-the-counter NSAIDs, which can help lessen your pain and inflammation. Or, your doctor may prescribe a pain medicine. Ask your doctor before taking ibuprofen because it can increase your risk for kidney failure when you have kidney stones, especially if you have underlying health condi...
肾结石的家庭护理Home Care for KidneyStones 如果肾结石看起来足够小,医生可能会建议你服用止痛药,等待结石自行排出体外。在这段时间里,医生可能会建议你喝足够的水和液体来保持尿液清澈——每天大约喝8到10杯。If a kidney stone...
What Causes Kidney Stones? 英文口语专家 0 This may not be a word-for-word transcript. The biggest kidney stone on record weighed more than a kilogram and was 17 centimeters in diameter. The patient didn’t actually swallow a stone the size of a coconut. Kidney stones form inside the body...
March is National Kidney Month, a time to raise awareness about your kidney health and generate support for those affected by conditions, including kidney stones, kidney infections and kidney disease.
Presents information on the dietary restrictions for kidney stones. Effectiveness of low calcium intake for patients with intestinal hyperabsorption of calcium; Possible promotion of mineral loss for patients whose urinary calcium is obtained from bone reabsorption; Need for calcium oxalate stone patients...
Less common kidney stones are made of calcium phosphate, or uric acid. 少部分肾结石是由磷酸钙或尿酸形成 A slightly different type of stone 这种石头有点不同 made of the minerals magnesium ammonium phosphate, or struvite, 因为它是由矿物磷酸铵镁或称水磷镁铵石形成 can be caused by bacterial inf...
Take over-the-counter NSAIDs, which can help lessen your pain and inflammation. Or, your doctor may prescribe a pain medicine. Ask your doctor before taking ibuprofen because it can increase your risk for kidney failure when you have kidney stones, especially if you have underlying health condi...