Hemp isn’t just good for the planet – it’s good for you as well! We’ve already had a brief look at how it’s used as a core cooking ingredient, but you can reap the benefits of hemp just as easily in other ways. This is especially true if you need to recharge, calm down,...
During World War II, the crop saw a resurgence in the U.S., as it was used extensively to make military items including uniforms, canvas, and rope. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) even released a short documentary, “Hemp for Victory,” in 1942, which promoted the plant as...
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Also known as hempcrete, this biomaterial can be molded into fibrous panels, coatings, sheets and even bricks. In addition to it, the Regional House, a center for environmental education in Belgium, is also an example of this application. As with hemp, it is worth mentioning that linen has...
The acronym CBS stands for concrete block structure. Concrete block used to be considered too ugly for higher-end residential use. This attitude has changed somewhat, as concrete design has improved and its safety features have been recognized. Today's "