Employing more than 24 people doesn't disqualify you from taking the credit. In fact, you can have 48 half-time employees who work 20 hours each week and still have only 24 FTE employees. This is because two half-time employees are equivalent to one full-tim...
If you, or your close ancestors, were once citizens of Pakistan or Bangladesh, you're unfortunately out of the running for OCI status. Similarly, if you've served in a foreign military, that might disqualify you. However, there are exceptions based on local laws, like for Israeli citizens ...
the minimum age for new recruits is 17, with parental consent. Individuals aged 18 and above no longer need permission from their parents to enlist in the military. However, military branches can decide their minimum
active,capturing every word you speak that can potentially land you in some sort of phishing(网络欺诈)trouble.This seems to be the price we have to pay for the convenience that technology gives us.Privacy seems non-ex...
medical coverage, enroll in Medicare or are claimed as a dependent on another taxpayer’s return, then you aren’t eligible to use an HSA. However, disability, dental plans, vision, long-term care and catastrophic-disease policies, such as cancer insurance, will not disqualify you from having...
You must already have a valid license for regular non-commercial vehicles to prove your baseline knowledge of the rules of the road. 3. No DUIs in Past 5 Years To get your CDL, you must prove you are a responsible driver. While felonies do not automatically disqualify you, you must ...
That will not automatically disqualify you for a VA loan, although it will require you to have additional residual income, which is another VA requirement. Other parts of your financial history influence lenders’ ultimate decision. That’s why it’s important to also monitor and maintain a ...
To disqualify or eject The starter was tossed for throwing illegal pitches. Dump A place where refuse is dumped A garbage dump. A nuclear waste dump. Toss To be thrown here and there; be flung to and fro or up and down The canoe tossed about on the waves. Dump A storage place for ...
Warning:Don't try to give away assets just to qualify for SSI. If you are caught giving away assets, or even trying to sell them fast for much less than market value,Social Security officials could disqualify you for SSI assistance for up to three years, depending on the value of the ...
The case faced several issues after the president-elect's lawyers sought to disqualify the lead prosecutor, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis,claiming alleged misconductover her previous relationship with lawyer Nathan Wade. Ms Willis was removed from the prosecution by ...