A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an injury to yourbrain, often caused by a blow to the head. TBIs can damage nerve cells and cause bleeding or swelling in your brain. Most TBIs are treatable, but they can affect your daily life and cause you physical, mental, or emotional stress. D...
Brain injury can impact all areas of function and life, for both the survivor and the family. Learn about brain injury and how speech therapy can help.
Scientists have discovered that a single severe head injury can lead to dementia through a rogue protein that propagates through the brain and corrupts others, giving some much needed insight into what happens inside an injured brain. It's part of a field of research looking into the impact of...
In addition to a severe headache, a ruptured brain aneurysm may cause a stiff neck, sensitivity to light, nausea and vomiting. Ruptured brain aneurysm symptoms can include an alteration in the patient’s mental status, resulting in confusion, sleepiness, lethargy, stupor or a loss of ...
Brain injury can be defined as an injury of the brain regardless of age at onset. Brain injuries canresult in a substantial handicapto the person who sustained the brain injury and can cause various forms ofcognitive impairments and symptoms such as attention, memory or motor disorder. ...
Are you a student or a teacher? I am a student I am a teacher FAQ What is the root cause of brain damage? Traumatic brain injury is the root cause of brain damage. It is caused by external trauma or force to the head. Falls and vehicle accidents can also cause traumatic brain injury...
According tothe BrainInjury Association of America, after an impact or injury to the head, an individual can experience a variety of symptoms. Common symptoms of abrain injuryinclude: Spinal fluid (thin, clear liquid) coming out of the ears or nose ...
feelthatotherpeoplearemanagingtheexambetterthanyou.Thiscancauseyoutofeelthatyour mindhas“goneblank”oninformationyouknowyouhaverevised. 3 Somechoosetoignoretheproblem,whileothersdon?treviewbecausetheythinkthey willdobadlyanywayandevenmissexamsduetotheanxiety.Itcanalsobereallyeasytothink thatifyoudon?ttryand...
orbrainand potentially cause a stroke or even death.Edemacan also cause ankle inflammation and is brought on by a number of different factors from excessive salt intake to pregnancy, but one way to tell the difference is that a clot will just be in one leg, while edema will occur in both...
Psychologists are inadequately represented in the injury control field, despite the size of the problem and the importance of behavioral factors in injury. Using motor vehicle injuries as an example, this article discusses modern injury control principles and the role psychologists can play in injury ...