Continual bleeding will cause anemia, and a dog’s gums will be pale.Tumors in the large intestines make it difficult for dogs to pass poop. There may be blood in the poop, and blood can drip from the anus. There can be a change in the size (narrow) and shape of the poop (ribbon...
You won’t get the same warming spices, but the flavor of curry powder will work well in most Indian dishes. 2. Allspice and Cumin: Combine 4 parts ground cumin with 1 part allspice, for an easy substitute when you’re in a hurry. 3. Chaat Masala: Try using ...
But the redder they are, the sweeter they are, and though I used to prefer Golden Beets and I still think Candy Cane Beets are just the cutest, if you’re going raw, you’ve got to go red, baby. This isn’t just because of the taste, though it’s mostly that. The other reason...
the home, should stir the pot at least once. While stirring, they can make a wish for the coming new year. When the pot is stirred, it should always be in a clockwise direction, because counter-clockwise stirring is an indication of bad luck...
No. But it turned out to be lovely. The lesson here is that holidays are for everyone. And if your family can’t be with you, it is because they have their own traditions as well. And instead of being rigid or resentful, try doing something you have never tried before. The bottom ...
With a similar licorice flavor, anise seed can be used in place of fennel. Anise seed has a stronger flavor so make sure to use less in a recipe. Cumin, caraway seeds and dill can also stand in for fennel. Vegetable Substitutes
anything you can use as a sweetener can be used in a simple syrup," she says. "I especially enjoy utilizing a darker sugar like demerara or turbinado. These sugars are less refined and retain more of the molasses quality of the sugar cane. They are great with whiskeys, rums, or darker...
Such was the case when an activist for matters to do with native American tribal identity (these would be the folk who used to be called Indians of the feather variety) was watching a TV interview. The activist was one of those who specialized in unmasking so-called “Pretendians” – ...
They can be chopped and put into salads, or used as a flavorful addition to pasta dishes. One of the most beloved uses is in pimento cheese, a favorite in the Philippines and in the southern portion of the United States. Many people love the cheese spread on white bread, celery, ...
Tricia Christensen is based in Northern California and brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to her writing. Her wide-ranging interests include reading, writing, medicine, art, film, history, politics, ethics, and religion, all of which she incorporates into her informative articles. Tricia is...