Tariff Code is an internationally recognized numerical system created by the World Customs Organization (WCO) with the purpose to facilitate international trade by easing the task of identifying and categorizing traded goods. These numbers exist for every product involved in global commerce...
Nondurable goods, as defined by the U.S. Department of Commerce, have a shelf life of less than three years; many can be recycled. Examples of nondurable goods include perishable food products, such as milk, vegetables, meat, and fruit; products made of paper and paperboard, such as newspa...
The morning I took leave of the village, I traded my rain jacket and rubber boots for several wonderful handmade objects from local villagers, including three beautiful necklaces. I am attaching a close view of one of the necklaces, which is made of beetle shells, as well as various seeds,...
Some of the traded items would be body ornaments and beads, such as ocean shells for inlanders or forest feathers for the coast dwellers. Occasionally, pigments for face painting were swapped, but these could also be applied to walls or to carved wood figurines. The dozen tools you carried ...
We don't want to be the market. We want to invest in a tiny slice of the early stage ecosystem where our thesis collides with great teams and unique and differentiated products. All that said, these three trends are impacting our portfolio. We have fifty portfolio companies, with the vast...