Answering Machine | Cassette Tape The easiest way to archive it is to simply save the tape. Which would be fine if this was just a simple message. Since it’s not, and since cassettes have a habit of breaking, you really need to back up the message and save it to your computer as...
We explain how lossy audio data compression works, and how to spot the tell-tale signs it leaves behind. Analogue consumer dissemination formats for audio have all had their problems. Listen to some vinyl and cassette and you're going to experience (on one format or the other) limited dynami...
My car’s $49.95 Radio Shack cassette player saw only two tapes the whole summer: a reggae mix and the Clash’s first record, and the Clash took up 90% of that. I defy anyone to show me an album with a higher hangover-to-work ratio. Through the tricks of chronology, and because ...
C.He offered to give the author two cassette tapes.D.He would sing for the author's mom on the radio station.27.Which of the following is most surprising?___A.Alan Parks and the author lived in the same neighborhood.B.Alan Parks happened to get to know the author's mother.C.The ...
Sony developed Betamax cassette tapes a year before VHS in an effort to control the industry. In spite of the company's efforts, VHS became popular because it was less expensive and the tapes lasted three hours instead of one. 1976: Telstar gaming console Keith Pomakis // Wikimedia Commons...
Consider where the business was at the turn of the millennium. In 1999, still riding a multi-decade wave of growth, the global recorded music industry logged a record $25.2 billion in revenues, all of it via sales of physical media like vinyl records, cassette tapes, and above all, compac...
(in the form of actual vinyl, but also CDs, MDs, and even cassette tapes), and I have a very cosy sofa where I can sit and read all those books while I listen to all that music. My office is a standing desk I built myself with end tables from Ikea that has all my work books...
"she asked,and handed me a worn-out cassette tape.I knew exactly what was recorded on it:My Redeemer(救世主).I heard the song played at least a thousand times while growing up.After so many years,the cassette tape was too worn out to be used.I promised her I would find a ...
walking and listening wasn’t an option at the time unless you wanted your music to start and stop uncontrollably. This allowed cassette tapes to maintain their majority share of the portable music market throughout the decade. But by the 90s, that all changed when anti-skip technology was in...
We spent a month in California Then I worked for a company which sold cassette tapes and books for English conversation. I was still single at 25 . then my parents started to worry because their daughter wasn't married. Our neighbors and relations were asking when I would marry and they ...