Answer to: What does Brutus mean in Julius Caesar when he says 'My heart doth joy that yet in all my life / I found no man but he was true to me'?...
He said that when you want to answer the big questions you should take a look at Shakespeare, in this case, Mark Antony's homage to Brutus at the end of Julius Caesar "His life was gentle, and the elements/So mixed in him that Nature might stand up/And say to all the world, '...
Brutus uses parallel structure to rationalize his actions: “As Caesar loved me, I weep for him... But, as he was ambitious, I slew him.” This logical sequence culminates in a justification for Caesar’s assassination based on his ambition....
all action is induced by the verb. People act as they speak, and the tone they use largely determines the consequences of their actions. Julius Caesar is first moved by the tone of his wife and decides not to go to the Senate. But another man comes and finds the right to...
See Caesar,see Brutus,see success is like suicide Suicide,it's a suicide If you succeed,prepare to be crucified Media meddles,niggas sue you,you settle Every step you take,they remind you you ghetto So it's tough being Bobby Brown To be Bobby then,you have to be Bobby now And the ...
Amongst the new titles purchased to reinvigorate said pile was John Scalzi’s Starter Villian. He devoured it whole. Then he presented it to me, saying: “You’re going to adore this book.” And you know what? I did. The juxtaposition between an average dude named Charlie (aka a ...
“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.” It's a must-watch interview and a great finale to the conference. More information here: Visualizing Your Way to Wealth The Bottom Line The Bogleheads conference was so wide-ranging that I cannot think of a single thing...
As Shakespeare quotes Brutus in his play Julius Caesar, “There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.” And for the first time in my life, I really can feel and see this tide in ever greater flood toward a fortune in love and joy that...
notonlybecauseof whathestoodforandwhathesaid, butalsobecauseofhisartfuluseof rhetoricalrepetition—withparal- lelism—tosayit:“[S]aythatIwasa drummajorforjustice.SaythatIwasa drummajorforpeace.Iwasadrum majorforrighteousness.Andallofthe shallowthingswillnotmatter.” 5 Somedevicesofrhetoricalrepeti- tion...
Tarquin and Caesar had each his Brutus--Charles the First, his Cromwell--and George the Third--("Treason!" shouted the Speaker) may profit by their example. If this be treason, make the most of it. I know of no way of judging the future but by the past. Patriotism means to stand ...