A text message abbreviation describes a text message code like "143," which means "I Love You," Internet slang like "bb," which is short for "bye bye," or other shorthand.Related informationHow to send a text message. How to send free text or SMS messages online or from a computer....
HMU, or “hit me up,” can be a confusing texting abbreviation to come across because even if you know what it stands for, its meaning isn’t entirely straightforward. “Hit me up” means to get in contact with someone. It originated as a result of pager usage in the 90s, where the...
TBH stands for “to be honest.” It’s a very common slang term or abbreviation that teens and young adults use online in texting, social media posts and even in-person conversations. Where Does TBH Originate? No one knows for sure where TBH came from, but it likely stemmed from social...
ASAP most commonly stands for "as soon as possible". However, in other contexts, ASAP can mean...