It can lead to a cycle of poverty, as those with less education are more likely to have lower-paying jobs and limited opportunities for career advancement.”,即教育不平等会导致贫困循环,因为受教育程度低的人更有可能有低薪工作和有限的职业发展机会。
The river breaks to the east after the ridge. 6 Shatter To damage severely. The news shattered her composure. 6 Break Separate into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or strain The rope broke with a loud snap Windows in the street were broken by the blast Shatter To cause to break...
The general agreement is that DES is caused by spending too long, staring too hard, and sitting too close to our screens. Health experts generally recommend taking breaks to prevent DES, rather than relying on blue light glasses. But there is one thing that blue light glasses might help ...
. Many families bear the financial burden of supporting a loved one’s addiction, leading to impoverishment and financial instability. In some cases, the breadwinner in a family may be the one struggling with substance abuse, leading to loss of income and further deepening the cycle of poverty....
Recessions are a natural part of the economic cycle, and their severity and duration can vary. Governments, central banks, and policymakers closely monitor economic indicators to implement measures to mitigate the impact of recessions, which later boost recovery. The 2008 global financial crisis is ...
Finally, the transport system should be offering mobility possibilities to all citizens regardless of their social status and income level. Yet there are emerging issues related to transport poverty (Lucas et al., 2016) and the inclusiveness of the mobility system with regard to people's accessibil...
Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and other essentials beyond income for a minimum standard of living.
Significant reductions in economic activity for several months will indicate arecession. During periods of recession, companies will often pull back on spending, creating a gap from the contraction in thebusiness cycle. Economists define a recessionary gap as a lower, real-income level, as measured...
of money and credit by the central bank, no matter how rapid, has no effect as theeconomic stimulusor staves off recession. The economy turns the corner into recession despite the central bank's intention as the monetary system simultaneously breaks down completely, compounding the economic crisis...
A single business cycle is dated from peak to peak or trough to trough. Such cycles generally are not regular in length, and there can be a period of contraction during an expansion and vice versa. Since World War II, the U.S. economy has experienced more expansions than contractions. Fro...