Does Monsanto own Coke and Pepsi? There are different variations of the anti-Monsanto social meme floating around, claiming that companies and brands like Procter & Gamble (NYSE:PG), PepsiCo (NASDAQ:PEP), Coca-Cola, and other household names are owned by Monsanto. Should you wear a mask wh...
Erewhon used to have a most excellent organic “krispy rice” cereal, that was produced for them by General Foods. They sold to a company called Attune Foods, in turn bought out by PostHoldings and it sounds like they might now be owned by Kraft. So that’s it for the healthy Rice Ce...
There are quite a few brands on the market that are tested to remove pharmaceutical compounds now! Phew! (Water filtration review coming soon at KS!) Exercise. It’s one of the few interventions known to help prevent early puberty. (source) Naturally, this post got longer than I was shoot...
They ultimately recommend minimally processed organic brands that are either sometimes grass-fed or 100% grass-fed. These include: Traders Point Creamery, Maple Hill Creamery, Nancy’s, Organic Valley, Kalona, Wallaby Organic, and Clover Stornetta, Stonyfield, and regional brands such as Butterworks...
Monsanto Milk– Even thoughover a hundred thousandcustomers are demanding it, Starbucks refuses to serve organic milk (at all locations). Due to consumer pressure, they stopped using milk from cows injected with growth hormones several years ago, but their milk still comes from cows that are fed...
They own most brands of eyeglasses and control distribution and sales of the majority of eyeglasses sold in the U.S. In addition, they own eyeglass insurance providers and eye clinics. They set the prices and control what is sold. Smaller companies can’t break into the...
When we had to go gluten free many years ago it was WALMART that made the huge decision to actually disclose gluten on their in house brands. It wasn’t Safeway. They were the first chain to actually make a commitment to consumers. It also wasn’t Whole Foods. This made a huge ...