(柱子)inNew York?sBryantPark.Healsosuspended himselfin a box over London?s River Thamesfor44days,withnofoodandonly4.5litersofwater! 4.WhatdidBlainedoduringhisstuntAscension? A.Heflewtoanunbelievablygreatheight. B.Heflewupwiththeaidofballoons. C.Hetravelledacrossadesertregion. D.Helandedwithoutap...
Each member brought a piece of themselves to The Used, but it was McCracken’s piercing screams and rip-your-guts-out clean singing that captivated millions with songs like “Blue and Yellow” and “A Box Full of Sharp Objects.” The Black Dahlia Murder, Nocturnal Metal Blade 86. The Blac...