There are countless websites and books devoted to decoding divine mysteries by deploying creative math on Bible verses. Serious scholars of the Bible are quick to dismiss numerology as a playful lark, but not as a legitimate way of interpreting scripture or grasping spiritual truths. Davis, a ...
The topic of women and the way they look is so powerful it fills volumes of books, magazines, and men’s locker rooms, and it appears that the topic will never be exhausted. When we see a beautiful woman, we often say or think that she has great genes. That is a completely fallacy...
and only the pedant will protest. When Gibbon wrote of both the establishment of Christianity by Constantine and the rise of Islam as revolutions, he was generalizing two unique events. Modern historians do the same when they write of the English, French,...
I am fortunate to have had regular encounters with transformative books: books that change my sense of what can be done in the novel (Sebald, Bernhard, Knausgaard), of what kinds of story can be told about 18th-century literature and culture (Albert O. Hirschman’s The Passions and the I...
he uses the term repentance more than any other New Testament writer in the other books of the Bible he has written. You see, when John wanted to write about how to receive eternal life, he tells us close to 100 times that it is simply by believing in Jesus Christ for it. But when...
Her latest books are What Would Monica Do? and Holy Hacks: Everyday Ways to Live Your Faith & Get to Heaven. Patti and her husband, Mark, live in North Dakota where they raised their 10 children. Share this: ...
Herzl’s two books about Zionism cover both aspects of Herzl’s Zionism. In The Jewish State, Herzl writes about how the world is a dangerous and hostile place for the Jews; therefore, there needs to be a state for them to escape to. In Altneuland, on the other hand, he writes tha...
The Book of Leviticus is one of many books that both Jews and Christians consider part of their religious canon. The book, along with the other four books of the Torah, appears almost identical in Jewish religious literature and in Christian religious literature. This demonstrates the similarities...
In the next few days, we’ll talk about how to face tests and trials, the danger of believing lies, how the Bible is not 66 books, but one, and about the importance of giving our best to God. I hope you’ll join us. Get Ready for the Coming Year with a Plan for Your Bible ...
What are the 24 books of the Tanakh? What are the two main cycles on the Jewish calendar? What does 'Good Shabbos' mean? What are the Jewish holidays? What to bring to a Shabbat dinner? What do the Hanukkah candles represent? Who performs a Jewish bris? Who celebrates Shabbat? How is...